Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unstoppable You

So it was. Someone or something knocked you down, took you out, tore you apart.  At some point during the experience you may have realized that despite the so-called defeat you suffered, you were still breathing, your heart still pumping blood to your body's many places of need, your brain still functioning, your desires still waiting for you to take up their candelabra and traverse the mountainous terrain you fashioned through the impossible reality of your own creativity.  Your brain is incredible.  It can imagine.  Your body is a miracle.  It can heal.  Your spirit is eternal.  It is limitless in its capabilities!  They say the only thing holding you back is you.  NO!  Nothing is holding you back.  Nothing can do that, especially you.  It is you that chooses to keep breathing.  You that dares to keep hoping, dreaming, drawing life despite everything screaming at you that you cannot have those things that will bring more happiness and joy than you've ever had.  It is your dreams that keep you alive.  It is the following of your dreams that proves your life is a life worth living.  It's the achieving of your dreams that remind you of the truth: You are worthy.  Pick yourself up again; you are not done.  If your muscles feel weak, work them out.  You are not in this thing called life to fail.  You are here, not to be pushed and prodded reluctantly forward to some miserable end.  Not pushed from behind, but pulled from beyond, enticed from before.  You can follow and capture your dreams.  Don't quit.  Never that.  Persevere always.  Dream big, then bigger.  Believe.


1 comment:

  1. This gives me hope for the sometimes dark days we all have. Thanks Adam!
