There are all kinds of wars. All varieties of battles, and a wide array
Of different fields on which to stage them. Ofttimes these conflicts
Take place on the mental arena your intellect performs on, or in the
Spirit your body holds inside. A parallel battle, all the while, is
Waged in the heart of someone you love. Maybe you are aware of
Her or his battles.
There are so many makes and models of weaponry. They are held
In your hand, your tongue and your every action. Though you may
Have the best intentions, someone, many someones perhaps, will
Nonetheless be injured by what you do. If you don't intend harm,
The wounds you deal may hurt far less or much more. Rest assured
That someone will get hurt.
There are times when you will be the one under attack. Remember
That there are defensive options you are given. Mental, physical,
Even spiritual defenses to set up to guard yourself when and where
You cannot do so. You are human (I hope you are, since you are
Reading my blog. If not, take comfort- I was not always certain
That I was human, either); you know or will learn that you will
Not be impervious to injury of one kind or another one-hundred
Percent of the time.
Defending yourself from harm is a desirable action. It takes
Courage to stand up for yourself, courage to stop something
From happening when you know it shouldn't happen. Self-
Perpetuation is the avenue to possibility, the opening of
Option. When you dare to move, you dare to progress,
Become, accomplish, overcome, and conquer.
Choosing not to defend yourself, particularly when you
Want to and are able to, takes a different kind of courage.
Like when you trade your survival to perpetuate the life
And wellness of another person. Or when you don't
Defend out of love for your opponent.
If you find that you are being wronged, I have a little
Bit of a wish for you. Be diplomatic in your response.
One result of getting even is that you put yourself on
The same level as your opponent (not an original idea,
I know). A morsel of food for thought. Should you
Not want to be better than your enemy?
You can be both defender and attacker. This is a
Difficult state to be in. It's easier to be attacked, it's
More necessary to defend when the battlefield is level,
Or when you find yourself on ground that's lower
Than that of those fighting you. Find a mountain,
Climb it, and keep climbing. The enemy will find
It more difficult to shoot arrows at you.
When- (not if. When) an action you or I take does
Harm to anyone, either of us are given options. Do
You, do I cause harm because of our goals, or despite
Them? If what we want is in direct opposition to what
We do, it is ourselves we attack, and we who defend.
If you feel this is you, understand that you are reading
The words of someone else at war. I get you.
If this is not you, if you have never fought a battle with
Yourself, never won or lost a high stakes endeavor, I
Urge you- shake yourself awake. Wars are fought
All round you, now, every moment. I have taken so
Many down. I have helped others up. I do this with
My words. They are Powerful. So are yours.
How will you shape your words?
How will you use them?
Adam Scott Campbell
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