If you had just found out that the
Most heartfelt piece of your creative genius
Had been submitted successfully to
The most powerful publisher in the world,
And had been accepted out of thousands
Of submissions to be placed as the
Front page of their website, to be seen
By thousands and thousands and
Thousands of viewers, what would you
Think? Say? Do? How would you act?
How would you behave if viewers the
World over sent in IM, text, call, email in
Droves praising you and your creation?
What if it gave the publisher the ability
To hire you/ pay you royalties/ bring
You fame and fortune for the rest of your
Life? What if you never had to buy any-
Thing ever again, because others
Would fall over each other to buy what
You wanted for you? What would you
Think if, because of what you created,
You were loved and adored by all, and
Helped by all, and protected and cared
For and provided for by all? What would
You think if you then looked out your
Castle window and saw a homeless man,
Begging on the corner, unshaven, un-
Washed, not cared for, not loved, who
Happens to glance up to your window
To see you watching him? What if he was
Blind? What if he was missing an arm,
Or a leg, or both legs, or both arms?
What if he had children who didn't love
Him? What if you didn't know any of
This? What if you did? What if you could
Trade places with him? Would you
Do so, for an hour? Two hours? Three?
Would you trade your entire life for his,
To give him your shelter, your food, your
Clothes, your fortune and fame and
Countless blessings from Almighty God,
And count yourself fortunate to be able
To help another in such a simple, pro-
Found way? How would you feel, if you
Laid this trade before him, and he smiled
And thanked you, then told you no?
Could you take what you offered him,
Cast it aside, sit down next to him on
The corner of I-25 and Broadway, and
Be his begging friend for the rest of
Your life? Go where he goes, live as
He lives, eat what he eats, sleep like he
Does, and consider yourself fortunate
To know someone with a heart of gold?
What happens the next time you see
Someone hurting? Will you be aware
Of the feeling in the air, enough that
You can reach out and save an embattled
Life who stands on the edge of quitting?
There are 7+ billion people living on
This miraculous earth we live on.
Someone can use your help.
Eyes open.
Adam Scott Campbell
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