Tuesday, May 3, 2016

So Deep

You hurt so deep it killed you,
And yet you would still breathe.
For the sake of friendship,
You wouldn’t, you could not leave.
So much that you’d been through,
The battles lost and won,
The souls both healed and wounded,
Your fighting strength was done.

Each friend you’d gained languished
On some far desert isle.
Your pleas for battle aid
Went unheard so long a while,
At some point you chose to stop
Hoping someone would near.
Perhaps there was no one out there
Who might ever hear.

Perhaps you were alone, at last,
And one, only, was nigh.
The one who saw you last, ‘fore birth,
Who’d be first, when you would die.
You had no pressing appointments.
You fell down to both knees,
As you cried out in anguish,
“O my Father, please help me!”

No blinding light, nor angels’ chorus,
Nor even mortal friend
Appeared to bring you comfort,
As you cried louder then.
“I’ve tried and I have fallen,
So very far, far deep,
I know not how I’m still going.
I’ve no more hope to keep.

“My friends have gone and left me.
I have not wish for life.
I desire to be near thee
Most now, in midst of strife.
Please come and bear me up,
O my Redeemer, Savior, Friend.
On thee, I, now and ever,
Forever will depend.”

Your heart’s most sincere anguish,
Your mind’s most vicious pain.
Inside you deep there languished
Virtues, long dormant lain.
While all the hosts of heaven
You imagined cheered you on,
Other, darker battalions
Sang a very different song.

Each force seemed united
In a single, focused aim-
To make you one of them.
They begin to call your name.
Their voices are compelling.
You wish to join their throng.
The chorus of one enthralls you.
But the other sounds so strong.

Which will you choose?  With whom serve you?
A side to take great glory?
Or a side that gives all honor
To the author of your story?
If you give your all, as is,
To God who grants you air.
He’ll give His all to you.
An eternal, loving Share.

Adam Scott Campbell

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