Friday, June 3, 2016


There's darkness and evil and total war
Locked by a key and laid up in store,
But goodness, and light, and peace kept within...
The battle that's waged... I yet can still win.

Hope, and Faith, and sweet Charity,
Still holding on in the depths of me,
Enable me now, as ever before,
To never think the words, I quit!  No more!

I want the evil!  So badly, I do.
It fills me, overflowing anew.
But if both joy and pleasure were one,
Would not good and evil, as such, be undone?

So long has my mind been altered and changed,
That I do not know a soul-empty pain.
Each has purpose, and so joy and pleasure.
Pain and joy grow in equal measure.

I can imagine, midst great pain, a glimpse
Of angels' arms round me, while I stumble and wince.
Is my thought dead?  Has my mind gone?
Might such defending thought be wrong?

I don't know. I know I want more.
Sand, salty waves on a cool blissful shore.
Warm, slender arms reaching, holding me tight.
A special someone helping me cease the fight.

I hope for this end, that someday twill be.
Meanwhile, the battle rages inside of me.
May God ever grant a poet Mercy,
And Hope, and Faith, and sweet Charity.

Adam Scott Campbell


  1. Enduring to the end. Four simple words but so often not a simple task. Someone is holding on to you tight, you'll see it will all turn out right. (ahah! I am a poet and you did not know it...)
