My candle burns so brightly. It keeps the dark at bay.
While in my heart I feel the start of yet another day.
Each adversary prowls along the edge of my small light.
I prepare me now. There soon begins a fight.
My sword arm wields no weapon. There's no shield in my hand.
Though I am feeling stronger. This battle was long planned!
The weapon of testimony, my boundless certainty,
Will carry this fight forward. Tis my faith that protects me.
I know the Rock I stand on. How oft I've turned aside,
When some insidious whispering murmured, "But you've tried..."
While such is good, and needed, tis not near enough.
I knew then, I know now, I must still try when things get rough.
You, O Reader, hoping for hope, while the dark grows bleak,
You, too, can build on the Rock you may not know you seek.
When so much light you gather that you cannot help but share,
Of danger and of grace you find yourself very aware.
I am no well-versed pastor. I am no preacher great.
But I know light and dark. In me each claims a stake.
I know that you, O Reader, are also wanted dear.
For you, dark foes gather. For you, angels shed tear.
I do not speak these heavy words for to make you afraid.
I'm urging you to get on God's path. Once you're on, to stay.
I've gotten off and stayed off, for weeks and months so long.
I knew, yet refused to know. that I was going wrong.
Your God is your own Father. He aches to hold you close,
To protect you from the darkness when each dark thing He knows.
You're worth more than you realize. You are why this battle's fought.
Speak to your Father God. You'll find the light for which you've sought.
Adam Scott Campbell
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