Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Tears unshed are locked within
One battered heart, worn out and thin,
While that one heart wages one war,
Striving to take back what it lives for.

Tears clogged, stopping soul-flow...
One beaten heart knows not where to go.
Former escapes no longer exist.
How is there strength with two broken wrists?

One shredded heart, choosing to reach
For any agent, said heart, will unbleach.
Now that warfare has left heart to die,
Where is the healing for a heart such as I?

I, Heart, with love inside me,
What can free me as I wish to be free?
It's happened before.  It happens now, too.
I lay myself in the dirt before you.

I, Heart, remember revealing my Me,
Hoping, praying someone kind would see
And reaching down, lift me up high,
Letting me live before my time to die.

How can a broiling heart decide
When it first told, and was told, a lie?
Why must one see hell to precede beauty?
Why must both coexist in me?

Now I lay me down to weep,
Ere I find my solace in sleep.
I will crawl over what I should leap.
Is this strong enough?  Is it deep?

Answers I leave up to you.
Heart laid out.
What will you do?

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