Hope, herself, is struggling sore.
I have lost hold of the dream in my hands.
Drifting on seas and so far from shore,
Why should I try? There is naught at my core.
With pen warring, I write of aches deep,
All of my Me my dreams ever keep.
While ocean waves drench me through,
I keep swimming, wishing for sleep.
A deadly wish. Naught but rest I'd reap.
Blade sleeping, muscles unfeeling
Desirous that one limb is healing,
Now it hangs down at my heaving side.
I tried. I tried. All of my psyche now reeling
Away from my soul, tenacity peeling,
All the while, pen ready, I fight.
Morning, mid-morning, noon, afternoon, night.
Enemy weapons threaten my body
I know what is wrong. I know what is right.
How much longer till I have no more light?
At times, Serenity gets me to stand.
Often, Beauty will gently command.
Their words galvanize the warrior within.
Whether I ever again see solid land,
For such wondrous kindness I never have planned.
For Grace, for Compassion, for Sweet Charity,
For each radiant angel helping me see,
For Balm Personified, I forgot how to quit.
Somehow their presence again makes me free.
I re-engage in the war around me.
If these visions are all real and true,
I know my endurance will never be through
But be they but wishes inside my mind
If they are but daydreams that I once knew,
Tis dreams keep me as naught else will do.
I'll believe in my dreams,
And victory, too.
Adam Scott Campbell
Tis dreams keep me as naught else will do.
I'll believe in my dreams,
And victory, too.
Adam Scott Campbell
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