Sunday, October 23, 2016

Did I Think No Other Fought?

I do not know, but yet do wonder why
The war seems required for the warrior I.
Fighting seems one with the verb "to try."
Despite exhaustion, I do want not to die.
War fought now.  Is my cause a lie?

Is this battle needed?  Has the good side won?
Has a starless night turned into a day of sun?
Has a broken cripple found at last that he can run?
Does heart-shattered warrior now see his war is done?
Will he drop his weapon, whether sword, or club, or gun?

Can he relearn what he never understood,
That he doesn't have to fight, nor that he should?
That inner peace, now grasped, he found he ever could,
That full, outer tranquility would
Follow, and both were good?

Do hands typing these words tremble for all unsaid,
Or do they shake for all the great good done instead?
Can nourishing morsels to their owner's mind be fed?
Will tension trapped in soul-skin, whereon foes leave tread,
Find it is released, to where other enemies fled?

I yet know not, but do still wonder why
I thought the fight required.  How far the warrior I
Has walked from Home beyond endless sky...
The fight was ever fought, that warrior I
Might survive.  Did I think no other fought?

Was this why?

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