Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Blade and pen switch hands once more.
Hope, herself, is struggling sore.
I have lost hold of the dream in my hands.
Drifting on seas and so far from shore,
Why should I try? There is naught at my core.

With pen warring, I write of aches deep,
All of my Me my dreams ever keep.
While ocean waves drench me through,
I keep swimming, wishing for sleep.
A deadly wish.  Naught but rest I'd reap.

Blade sleeping, muscles unfeeling
Desirous that one limb is healing,
Now it hangs down at my heaving side.
I tried.  I tried.  All of my psyche now reeling
Away from my soul, tenacity peeling,

All the while, pen ready, I fight.
Morning, mid-morning, noon, afternoon, night.
Enemy weapons threaten my body
I know what is wrong. I know what is right.
How much longer till I have no more light?

At times, Serenity gets me to stand.
Often, Beauty will gently command.
Their words galvanize the warrior within.
Whether I ever again see solid land,
For such wondrous kindness I never have planned.

For Grace, for Compassion, for Sweet Charity,
For each radiant angel helping me see,
For Balm Personified, I forgot how to quit.
Somehow their presence again makes me free.
I re-engage in the war around me.

If these visions are all real and true,
I know my endurance will never be through
But be they but wishes inside my mind
If they are but daydreams that I once knew,
Tis dreams keep me as naught else will do.
I'll believe in my dreams,
And victory, too.

Adam Scott Campbell

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