Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Greatest Good

First I was an animal, a jungle cat so wild.
I fought each day.  I sought new ways,
My prey to beguile.
I then became a boulder on a grassy mountain's side,
Covered with fuzz.  I loved it because
I did not have to try.
I changed into a plant, a beautiful petaled rose.
My defense was beauty, I could see
Twas the best I'd ever chose.
A petaled rose, a boulder, a jungle cat that fought.
Each had worth, no matter their girth.
The same they were not.
I then sat down to tell a tale about these parties three,
How each had part, and found their start,
In the heart of me.
But when I lifted hand to put ink down on page,
My Muse took me, carried me on,
To another age.
Twas a peculiar age.  Every living soul
Had their vice, had their vocation,
Had their own set goal.
Their goals were good and lofty, they each aimed so high
They had drive too.  What they didn't do.
Was care for each other's try.
I looked upon their beauty. I viewed their talent great
I started to weep. For all their great power,
They left so much to fate.
I stuck out my tongue, I caught a tear, I had a salty taste.
In my mind, a gentle, kind, beautiful thought
Was placed.
If you write a hundred million words, and, with them, 
Help to save one soul, you will have done the greatest good,
And exceeded the highest goal.

Adam Scott Campbell


  1. Adam,
    I enjoy the way you use words to tell a tale, or is it tail. . . .

  2. Thanks Ted! And the word choice I think is really personal preference. There are those who just need to be vernacularly improper. :)
